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Twins and multiple births – when happiness multiplies

In a multiple pregnancy, two or more children grow in the uterus. Twins are the most common, but there are also pregnancies with triplets, quadruplets or more babies. 


Below you will find an overview of the topic of multiple pregnancy:

Multiple pregnancies can be genetically determined. Sometimes two or more eggs are fertilised by chance. In recent years, fertility treatments have increased the likelihood of multiple pregnancies. You can find medical information on multiple pregnancies on the Austrian Health Portal

What do you have to consider in the event of a multiple pregnancy?

Multiple pregnancies are more risky. This is why you are likely to be invited for check-ups more frequently during pregnancy. This ensures that you and your babies are well. In addition, the doctor can react to potential problems at an early stage.

What is important after the birth of the babies?

The initial period after giving birth can be very challenging. , Especially at the beginning, you cannot take care of the household, cooking or running errands. For the health of the family, it makes sense in the long term to divide up household chores and caring for your children. You should also accept help from friends, acquaintances or relatives. Sometimes help from specialists is also useful to get support after giving birth. Try to build up a network during pregnancy that you can use after childbirth.

What types of support are available?

Exchange ideas with other parents of twins or multiple babies. There are also special counselling centres and groups that you can visit. Look for a counselling service in your area. Family support provided by the Early Intervention Programme  provides support in stressful situations. Look for a midwife to support you as early as possible: find a midwife in your area . You can find more information on challenges and tips on the Federal Chancellery's Eltern-Bildung (Parental Education) website.

What financial aid is available?

In some federal states, it is possible to apply for financial support for multiple births. With such a grant, you can organise household help more easily, for example. Find out more on the website of the state government of your federal state.

Childcare allowance is increased by 50 per cent of the respective daily amount for multiple babies. The daily amount is based on the chosen period of entitlement. For twins, the daily amount is 1.5 times, for triplets it is double and so on: further information on childcare allowance for multiple births.